On August 24th, the Governor’s Service Awards were presented at a ceremony at Monona Terrace by Serve Wisconsin, Wisconsin’s National and Community Service Board. The Governor’s Service Awards honor outstanding volunteers, national service participants, and programs that have helped to address serious social needs in their communities. These honorees have made significant contributions to Wisconsin through their service efforts. Their generous service is impacting the lives of countless Wisconsinites.
New this year was the AmeriCorps Seniors Lifetime Impact Volunteer award. Two volunteers received this award: a Foster Grandparent from the Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program, Sally Vyvyan, serving since 2002, and RSVP of Dane County’s, Betty Elsner, delivering meals through the Stoughton Area Senior Center since 1978!
This year was also the first year they recognized AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteers with 20+ years of service. There were 221 RSVP, Foster Grandparent, and Senior Companion volunteers who received this award statewide. Eighty-eight RSVP volunteers from our program were honored for volunteering twenty or more years. We salute these long-serving RSVP volunteers and hope that they inspire others to join RSVP…where volunteers make a difference!

Below is a complete list of RSVP volunteers receiving the 2021 Governor’s Service Awards.