Our July Triad program is about the Elder Financial Empowerment Project and will be presented by Attorney Sonia Komisar, a Victim Services Attorney with the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging and Health Groups. The program is Wednesday July 17 at 10:00 AM via Zoom.
The Elder Financial Empowerment Project (EFEP) provides legal services and advocacy statewide to victims at least 60 years of age who have been financially exploited, abused by a fiduciary, scammed, or had their identity stolen. EFEP can disrupt the predators financially exploiting our most vulnerable community members by working better to leverage the expertise of each agency so that we can focus on what we each do best. Maximizing the use of multiple disciplines allows us to serve our community more effectively and efficiently. This can result in not only better outcomes for our victims but also in a greater number of victims being served.
To receive the Zoom link, email me at TriadEvents@rsvpdane.org. And please help us get the word out. If you know of people who might be interested in this program, please forward this email to them. Finally, a printable flyer is available here in case you would like to put this announcement on a bulletin board.